Is this Annual Ryegrass?

mardi 30 mai 2017

Well I tried my hand at a couple different things last year. 2 succeeded with Teff and SS however my experiment with ryegrass didn't fair so well. I planted way late and it was super hot with no rain for quite some time. The 10 acres I planted ended up going to weeds and I eventually mowed it late august and let it lay there. I was planning on working that field with a disk and a cultivator and then putting to teff however I went by it today and it looks like the ryegrass might have come on after I mowed it last year. It looks like ryegrass to me from internet pictures but I could be way off. Can anyone give me a yes or no.

I was thinking of mowing and rolling it and then seeing how/if it comes back for a second cut? It's definitely not the nicest stuff but if I don't have to waste it it would be nice.

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_1456.JPG
  • IMG_1459.JPG
  • IMG_1457.JPG

Is this Annual Ryegrass?

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