Need some help with small pasture.

dimanche 28 mai 2017

We have a small pasture behind the house, just under an acre that has always been Bermuda. When we bought the place our back was really bad and we have turned it all around. So it was time to work on the grass as we bought my son two mini horses for his birthday. The feed and hardware store we always go to told me to throw out haygrazer to get some good covereage on the pasture so I took the recondmendation without doing reasearch. Now I have been trying to kill the Sudan to replant the Bermuda. I sprayed the whole pasture with roundup and when the Sudan turned brown tilled it all under and broadcasted Bermuda. That was a couple of days ago. We got a very nice soaking rain last night and this morning which is good for the Bermuda but I have noticed that more Sudan is coming in now.

What can I spray or so to kill Sudan grass but not hurt the Bermuda that will be coming in.

Thank you.

Need some help with small pasture.

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