Mixed Grass Hay - When????

mercredi 17 mai 2017

At what point do you label your hay as mixed grass vs straight OG or Timothy or Alfalfa? Sooner or later your fields of straight grass start being invaded by fescue, OG and/or other native grasses.

I've got one field that I'm ready to call Timothy mixed grass, even though it is still overwhelmingly Timothy. From the legacy seed bed, there is a smattering of OG, fescue and some native grasses that have come into this field and will show up in the bale. Broadleaf and briar clean hay, but IMHO starting to become a mixed grass and as such labeled that way.

What's funny is in my Timothy field, given Timothy is later maturing, when a clump of fescue, Timothy or some other grass comes into the field, it sticks out like a sore thumb! Drive down the road and the unfertilized, weed fields that are cut for "horse hay" are consistent in appearance - LOL!

I hate to advertise straight Timothy as the other grasses start mixing in.

When do you label your "straight" grass - "mixed" ?


Mixed Grass Hay - When????

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