NH 644 Sledge Clutch

mercredi 24 mai 2017

A couple years ago my neighbor had an issue with his 644 where something stopped spinning (he can't remember what) so he sent it to the dealer for repairs.  The dealer came back with a $13.5k estimate to basically replace all of the sledge rollers, gears and bearings - almost $9k for parts and 50 hours labor.  He got scared and bought a new BR5060, and let the 644 sit outside.  Last year he gave it to me, so now I want to figure out what is wrong with it.  It has been well used - 27k bales - but I only want to have it as a backup in case the weather takes a sudden bad turn and I need to round bale and wrap instead of square baling.  I've only round baled once in my life so I have a lot to learn, but after reading some of mike10's posts I decided to check the sledge clutch as that slips without clicking (and I think he would have remembered the clicking).  The two clutch plates are glazed and appear to be worn down to almost the base metal, but are still about 0.130" thick.  According to the parts listing, new ones are 0.142" and $100 each.  Is it fair to assume these could be an issue, or are they still thick enough?  The glazing tells me they have slipped a lot but I'm not sure how often they typically slip.  There are pipe wrench marks on the clutch shaft, so I bet it has been plugged a few times in its life.

NH 644 Sledge Clutch

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