Dicamba injury to smooth brome

dimanche 21 mai 2017

I sprayed my smooth brome about 10 days ago with Clarity(dicamba) since I was starting to get some broadleaf weeds. I used a pint per acre since that is the max labeled rate for a newly established grass. I noticed a few days after I sprayed the brome started looking a little weak and yellow and I thought it could be sulfur deficiency since I was seeing that in my alfalfa as well. I kept noticing it was looking worse throughout this week but I have not had time since I was baling hay to stop and look. I walked the field today and It is clearly a herbicide injury from the dicamba since there are a couple triangular shaped skips where it looks healthy and a few overlapped places where it looks terrible. Most of the field is yellow and stunted with some getting a purple tint to the leaves.....I sure hope it doesn't kill it.

I'm kind of confused as to why it did this since brome is a grass the dicamba should not have effected it. There was no chance of a different herbicide residue in the tank since I had cleaning it out well prior to spraying and the last thing I had sprayed was dicamba on orchard grass back in March anyway. The dicamba did not hurt the orchard. Anyone have any ideas what caused this?


Dicamba injury to smooth brome

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