conversion of coated vs non-coated OG and fescue seed

jeudi 5 septembre 2019

Just curious if anyone has a conversion factor for converting coated to non-coated orchard grass and KY 31 fescue.  Just finished overseeding Persist OG and had to use both coated and a bag of non-coated to finish up.  I am guessing that coated has about 80-85% of the seeds that non-coated does.   both come in 50# bags.  Forgot to figure that in when I bought seed and ran short, thus the bag of non-coated from another closer source.  I also noticed that TSC was selling both coated and non-coated KY31 and the coated is on deep discount.  I am guessing that when you factor in the weight of the coating, it is not a discount.  Any thoughts or info?

conversion of coated vs non-coated OG and fescue seed

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