Weed ID, hope I'm wrong

lundi 23 septembre 2019


Found this weed a last year an destroyed it (wasn't found at that location this year).  This year found it again in several different places (they are in sad shape now).  But as I was heading towards one of my this year's victims to check their health, I notice something on my neighbors property.


Weed 1
Weed 2
Weed 3
Weed 4
Weed 5
These are pictures of the 'shorter' plant at about 6', the other plant about 15' away from this one is closer to 8' tall.  The ones I found on the edges of my hay field have all been between 2' and 4' tall.
I'm thinking that I'm dealing with a 'Japanese Knotweed', but hoping I'm wrong. Please, someone tell me it's something else, that's easily controlled.
Seems having a Japanese Knotweed is similar to having an STD (you don't want it, it can be a pain somewhere and you don't want anyone to know you have it or how you may have acquired it even  :cool:).  Should I tell my neighbor (my BIL) or just make the plants on his property a possible victim also?



Weed ID, hope I'm wrong

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