Sour smelling baleage

mercredi 4 septembre 2019

Baled high moisture og and trefoil first cut. Weather has been horrible as far as rain. Would have liked to get more than one day of drying but weather prediction changed. Didn't check the moisture but I would think it was below 70 percent, not 100 percent sure though. I raked big windrows to cut down my bale time. Used a rotary. Had it in the dirt to take the heavy hay in nice windrows. My issue is, the hay smells similar to sourkraut and the very bottom of the bales smell terrible. Just the bottom couple inches. Cattle don't seem to go crazy for it like they normally do. From what I researched, the sour smells comes from to high of moisture or to much dirt in the hay. Do I need to b concerned with feeding them. If fed a few bales with no problems

Sour smelling baleage

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