Combine troubles

jeudi 16 juin 2016

I started combining oats today with my little JD 3300 combine and ran into a problem. The oats are piling up between the auger fingers and the entrance to the feeder house and it's almost as if the conveyor chain isn't grabbing the material to take it up the feeder house. The straw is very dry and slick and I can't help but wondering if that is what the conveyor chain isn't grabbing it.

The problem was so bad around the outside edge where the oats are kind of short I couldn't get it to do anything but I tried to make a pass through the middle of the field where the oats and a little taller and the problem wasn't as bad but still happened a couple times in the one pass I made.

Anyone else had this problem or know what to do to fix it? I don't have a lot of experience combining......especially small grains so I'm kind of at a loss.

Thanks, Hayden

Combine troubles

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