Mowed about 50 acres with Fastrac and Pottinger today

mercredi 8 juin 2016

In between 60mph gusts/downpours/small hail, I was able to get the JCB and the Pottinger into some of my fields. My fields are late getting cut and ground is wet from basically a month of rain. My crop was badly lodged and as high as 5' in many spots.
Overall I'm pleased with having the mower out front, the speed at which it mows, the quality of cut, and not having to run over crop before you cut it. I'm sure it will be great in standing crop that's dry!
The one thing I was warned about and is very much true, is the JCB has the turning radius of a small ship. However, it does reverse easier than with a PT Discbine. It takes a bit of getting used to. Steering a little tough when not moving and that much weight out front. Could be something wrong with steering.
It took me a few hours to get used to. Did about 40 acres today. Tomorrow another 30.
Anyway, here's a few pics.

Attached Thumbnails

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Mowed about 50 acres with Fastrac and Pottinger today

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