best herbicide for horsetail rush (equisetum)

vendredi 12 mai 2017

What is the best way to get rid of these beasties? When I was a kid we called them Chinese puzzles and liked to pull the segments apart and put them back together. Last summer I had a section of these plants start growing abundantly along side by gated pipe in a Roundup Ready alfalfa field. I used a backpack sprayer with glyphosate and sprayed multiple times. The stems seemed to die. This spring they are back. I note from different extension service publications that Sledgehammer, Manage, and glyphosate are effective. Does anyone have good luck with these or some other method to get rid of them? So far the horsetail rush plants are mainly on one side of my irrigation pipe, the side that is not watering my alfalfa and against a road. But a few of the plants are now appearing on the field side of my alfalfa. I certainly want to get rid of them. Thanks.plants-53671_960_720.jpg Equisetum_hymale.jpg

best herbicide for horsetail rush (equisetum)

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