Rain and Lodged Hay

samedi 6 mai 2017

A week or so ago, we had some hard rain and it knocked down a bit of my Timothy, but it looked like with the wind and sun that came afterwards, it was gong to stand up somewhat again. The the last few days, we got hammered with rain, thunderstorms, high wind. Haven't been out to see the damage, but I'm sure there is some lodging.

Question is - from a hay quality standpoint, how do you folks deal with the effects of lodged hay, how does it effect the quality of the bale (square), etc. Being down on the ground, you now have potentially moldy hay in your bales as it gets cut and mixed-in with the rest of the bale?

I read lots of posts regarding equipment and techniques to cut down/lodged hay, but not so much from a hay quality aspect.

Lodged hay - a quality concern?

Rain and Lodged Hay

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