Small Tool Maintenance

dimanche 18 juin 2017

My cousin and I were sitting on the back porch the other day, having a beer after getting done with haying, and he reminded me that our grandfather had a very simple maintenance technique for his small tools like shovels, hoes, etc.


He kept a bucket of sand saturated with used motor oil in the tool shed.  When he got done with a tool, like a shovel, he simply ran it down into the bucket two or three times.  The sand cleaned off the dirt, polished the surface and oiled it to keep it from rusting.


If you've ever used a shovel that was rusty or had old dirt stuck to it, you known how hard it was to use.  The polished, shiny, oiled surface makes a tool a lot easier to use.


I've always cleaned my tools after using them but this idea makes it a lot easier.



Those old timers knew a lot more than we give them credit for.

Small Tool Maintenance

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