Timothy Gone To Seed

samedi 17 juin 2017

We have a short road/path into one of our fields and also around a few buildings too. A few years ago, I had some Timothy I was drilling and just drilled the dirt road to get some grass on it. What's interesting is along side of the road AND around the edges of my drilled Timothy fields where we do not make hay, I'm seeing Timothy come-in just like I would expect orchard grass or especially fescue. I gather the seed head is so tall and the seed is so light that when the Timothy goes to seed, it just floats with the wind, making more Timothy about. It's a good problem to have IMHO.

Sooooo - if you had a Timothy field and just let it go to seed (no grazing or haying) and only gave it a bushhog from time to time, is it possible the Timothy would take over the field - not unlike fescue? A buffer of volunteer Timothy would be nice around our fields, orchard and shelters. Back in the day, would someone have come onto an old home place and found pasture/fields with a pure or near pure stand of sustained/volunteer Timothy?

Just curious.


Timothy Gone To Seed

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