Downside to High Stubble Height

mercredi 4 avril 2018

Looking over my Krone mower conditioner and pondering stubble height.

We8ve been mowing with my old Hesston at 5 inches and like it for two reasons. One is regrowth for a potential 2nd cutting and the other is to stand the hay off the ground a bit higher for drying.

What I don’t like is that when tedding, raking and baling, the tines can tear off green grass/stubble which makes me nervous about the drydown with this added-in. The second thing is setting the tires not to comb so deep into the stubble so as not to gather the green, however, a good portion of the tedded and raked hay finds itself down into the stubble and left behind costing me $$$’s, not to mention the thick 2ish inched I could be harvesting - again potential $$$’s.

In as much as timothy (which we are growing) seems to go dormant with the summer heat, unless rain and cooler temps prevail, a second cutting can be out of the question. The risk is you got a few inches more growth, not worth the effort and it goes dormant with the heat - leaving $$$’s on the field.

One of the adjustments we made last year was overseeding our Timothy with and without scratching the ground. The scratched ground is working out great from over seeding and we might continue that every year to keep our stand from thinning out.


I’m thinking about setting this Krone for a 3 inch cut, max the first cutting with the expectation of NOT combing in green stubble or loosing hay in high stubble either. If I loose some Timothy due to the lower cut, we’re over seeding in the fall anyway.

Rambling a bit, thinking out loud.

What is your downside to a higher stubble cut in grass hay?


Downside to High Stubble Height

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