guess a weight, thought on price?

mercredi 11 avril 2018

Looking at some feeders. This is a very casual deal with a neighbor so we're not going to bother trying to find a scale and I try to keep an eye on prices but neither of us are experts on a fair price. Here's a pic of one of them. Tougher to tell in a picture without anything to reference it but you think 400lbs? The all black ones are probably 100lbs bigger. He's thinking $550-650 on a price.

Feeder cattle at auction are 1-1.20 here. Craigslist ads seem to be around 1.5-1.70. I have some permanent cows at my place so I'm not interested in bringing home auction cattle. I'm hoping to find someone I know that I can occasionally add a steer to my group from.


guess a weight, thought on price?

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