Ryegrass hay

lundi 2 avril 2018

So we planted 20 acres of ryegrass to keep a newly leveled field from washing this last fall. It is tetraploid(sp?) And this field had chicken manure spred on it the past 2 years and kept disced year round for the past 2 years. (Actually its a young pecan orchard it took that long to kill fhe coastal bermuda). Anyways we put another 70 units of nitrogen down about 2 months ago. So we had it custom cut and baled. It was cut 2 weeks ago on a tuesday with a 14 foot john deere swather with flail. That thursday he raked 3 swathes into one and on saturday he baled it. It seemed way too wet on friday evening when I last saw it. Well i guess he baled it loose so it was breathe more and now fhe bales are drooping and getting hot. Bales are still in the field. Put a thermometer in a few of them and read 175 on most and some at 195. What are yalls thoughts on this hay and thoughts on how it should have been preped for baling. Also ground was dry and humitiy was pretty low first few days and it was windy, no rain a few morning dews that were gone by no later than 10am.

Ryegrass hay

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