Late cut baleage

jeudi 16 août 2018

Our weather around here lately has been pretty tough to make any dry hay. Had a really wet/cold spring, then turned hot and dry. Got a good bit of our hay put up, but then again starting in August, it has been 60-80% chance of pop up storms nearly every day. The worst thing about these odds it that it really hasn't rained many of these days, but when it does, it's a wash out. Hard to make plans. Between this and my work schedule, finishing up hay has been difficult. I have about 20 acres left that I need to get put up that is getting pretty old. I know it's not recommended to wrap anything but top quality because of the cost of wrapping, and lower sugar levels in the grass will keep it from fermenting. Any suggestions? I would like to go in right behind the mower and bale then wrap, and try to beat some of this rain. We have some other 2nd cutting that we would like to put into small squares, but it may end getting wrapped also.

Late cut baleage

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