TF OG new hay field. Need help

samedi 18 août 2018

I planted 20 acres of TF and OG this spring. This is the first field I have planted. I didn't cover crop it and I've have had weeds,weeds and more weeds. I cut it 3 times so far and I think I have every weed that I could possibly have. I was hoping to get a cutting of in a couple weeks. It looked good from far but far from food. I believe the nice tall grass I was seeing is summer grass. More than half the field is loaded with it. I couldn't have got that nice of a stand if I planted it. I can't even see my OG anymore. The trefoil seems to be doing very well and I have a lot of clover in it that I didn't want. I have 2 questions, if I cut and bale into baleage is it going to be worth a crap and should I expect this field to be better next year or should I replant?

TF OG new hay field. Need help

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