Leaf Spot Disease - Coastal Bermuda

lundi 13 août 2018

Hello group.


I've been using this forum as a resource for a couple of years now.  I want to thank everyone for all the good conversation that has always proven to be helpful.  This is my first post to the forum.


I have a field that was sprigged in coastal bermuda back in May of 2016.  I'm located near Aiken, South Carolina and I'm dealing with about 9 acres of hay that I put up mostly for my own horses.  It's been a great stand of bermuda up until the past 3 weeks.  Along with everyone here in the Southeastern United States, I have been unable to catch a suitable weather window for baling since my first cutting that took place in the first week of June, 2018.  Excessive and almost daily rains accompanied by ridiculous humidity, even by our standards around here, have really been causing difficulty.  I've noticed that my field is browning out, considerably.  Upon some investigation, it appears that most of the grass is infected with a leaf spot pathogen (helminthosporium / bipolaris).


Hoping to get it cut off and round baled soon to try and start over fresh.  Just curious if anyone else is seeing this problem down around my region?


Anyone else ever seen this before?




Leaf Spot Disease - Coastal Bermuda

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