better knife for TM1400?

dimanche 11 juin 2017

Love our TM1400 vermeer.  Just wondering with the drought conditions we're experiencing here, if there's a better knife out there for short hay/grass?  Also noticed last year that once in awhile while mowing grain (also droughted out and light) it would leave a strip of uncut  barley once in awhile for no apparent reason.


I'm told that Ma Don blades might be a better low turbulance blade than the vermeer, and I'm also hearing that vermeer has their own short crop blade coming out.


Wondering what you guys think, and if there's any tips/ tricks that you're using to get your discbine to cut a little better.



For the sickle guys that hate discbines, I'll tell you that I have had both, and I'd rather leave 10% in the field( which isn't even possible) than go back to a sickle ever again....... ever.

better knife for TM1400?

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