BR780A Net wrap dosn't start.

vendredi 21 août 2020

Lately, my BR780A trips on bale full, inserts the duckbill, but the wrap frequently won't start.  This is now happening about 75% of the time.  


A couple of things have changed.  1) My hay is dryer than ever before--down in the 14% area where I'm usually at the 18% range.  2) I'm using a different brand of net wrap. 


Other than that, I don't see anything obvious about why it won't catch.  I keep the actuator area clean.  Everything is well lubed. Baler has 5200 bales on it.  I haven't made any adjustments other than sharpening the knives about 200 bales ago. (I followed mike10's procedure for sharpening them--great suggestions.)


To get it to wrap, I clear the error, hit wrap--sometimes it will take 2-3-4 cycles on this.  I have found that if I can "bump" the baler forward or backwards right after it inserts the duck bill, it will often catch and start.


It's almost as if the duckbill isn't being inserted quite far enough to get the wrap against the bale. 


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.





BR780A Net wrap dosn't start.

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