Looking for disc mower advice

dimanche 16 août 2020

Hi all,

I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to hay and would really appreciate your opinion and/or advice.

I currently cut about 60 acres a year (sometimes more if someone requires a hand) so a lot less than a lot of people on here. To get the job done I use an MX5800 with an older NH463 disc mower. So far it's been working fine but you can definitely tell that it's giving the MX one heck of work out. The biggest "trouble spot" seems to be on some of the pretty steep parts of the field (even when going sideways as you can tell the mower is trying to pull the tractor). Something else that has me a bit worried is that no matter how I set up the mower and 3pt, I'm not able to raise the mower and bar high enough to keep it from dragging if I'm in a pinch and need to turn around or backup. I try my best to avoid having to do so but sometimes I just don't have a choice.


With that being said, I talked to my dealer with whom I have a really great relationship. What he suggested after I told him I was willing to look into a newer mower is the HM234.

I understand that going to the HM234 will obviously take more time to cut the field but I'm willing to take the trade off if this means that it will be much better suited for my tractor.

Price wise he is willing to give me a very good deal, both on my old NH463 and the new HM234 but I would really like to hear your input.


I really appreciate your advice.



Looking for disc mower advice

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