Some firsts for me... Teff and high stubble shoes

mercredi 19 août 2020

I decided to try planting some Teff after wheat this year.  I lightly worked the ground after the wheat came off and seeded 9lb/ac of Moxie Teff with a Brillion seeder on July 11th.  Was blessed with 2" of rain the following day and seem to get a good catch on the stand.  Most of the stand was 15-30" tall on Monday and some recent rain was putting small patches down.  I had a weather window and decided to take it.  This stuff is pretty fine, so I'm very curious to see how it will yield.  I fitted the 1411 with high stubble shoes and used them for the first time to try to achieve the desired 4" stubble height.  Didn't get as clean of a cut as I would have liked with the grass being so fine, especially in the places where it was shorter, or partially down.  These pics  are 37 days after seeding.










Some firsts for me... Teff and high stubble shoes

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