Trailed vs mounted rotary rakes

vendredi 21 août 2020

I’m looking to upgrade from my old rollabar rake to a single basket rotary. Will have to be used to fit my budget.


I’m used to raking the head rows first. It’s always a challenge to turn the rollabar without catching the edge of the inner head row or messing up the end of the last pass. Mounted rake seems like it would be great for lifting up to solve that problem but I feel like they would be prone to digging in if the tractor hit a rut. I see Krone has a front support wheel that looks like it would minimize that.


Used mounted rakes are far less common than trailed ones. Does the trailed rake have the same problem catching the inner head row as my old rollabar or have they figured out proportions or some other way that it turns sharply enough to turn between the head row and the windrow I just raked? It seems that the length of draw bar on trailed rakes would minimize the digging in problem over ruts.


Can anyone give me some guidance?





Trailed vs mounted rotary rakes

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