Help in Pricing Neighbors Help

lundi 31 août 2020

I have had some neighbors go behind my back and pull my Ox out of the ditch. I need to figure how much to pay them, though none say they will accept payment. They will get paid.

Some you know I had a cow accident a while back and was just getting up to 100%. Aug 7 is was stopped making a left turn into my drive way and was rear ended at full speed. Lady never saw me. Got beat up pretty good, spent 5 days in the Trauma Ward. Lungs and brain bleeding and a broken vertebra. No spinal nerve damage. Have been home bound in an upper body brace. I am to have another Evaluation Oct 2. Learned last week I still have some internal issues but am expected complete recovery. I do not bounce as well as I once did.

I had been baling that day and got a light rain.
While I was in ICU, two neighbors tedded, then raked and baled the hay I had left. 67 rolls.
The next week some neighbors got with my son to do my next field. 4 large cab tractors showed up and cut 42 acres of hay. They tedded and when cured, 6 large tractors came to rake and bale. Made 184 large rolls of hay.

I heard a racket in the driveway and my wife said trucks were hauling hay. My son was unloading with the skid steer as load after load of hay was delivered. They hauled all 184 rolls.
One day you do not think things could get any worse. The next day you do not think they could get any better.

I am trying to explain to the insurance company how much my friends need to be paid. I intend to have their work figured in and will make certain each person gets their share.
Would you figure an hourly rate on each tractor/operator?
Would you figure the value per bale on the hay they made and hauled?
Any ideas and help in this is appreciated. I will check in as I can to listen to advice and opinions. Just now able to do much of this.
Thank You.

Help in Pricing Neighbors Help

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