Sugar content - hay customer

vendredi 28 août 2020

Well I got my first customer wanting to know the sugar content of my hay.  Not that she isn't willing to pay for the hay and the test (that's good in my thinking process ;)).  My knowledge is real limited, but ........................... maybe I can learn.  :rolleyes:


Here is a link to the lab & tests available that I use:


I'm not certain (educated yet) on what test(s) she would need in order to answer her question, about the amount of sugar in my hay.  She also ask about starch, but that's already in the test results that I get IDB (I get the complete forage test on my hay, FYI).


So HT guys/gals help educate this old guy on sugars and possibly what test should I get for her.  I don't want to call her out, but just be able to talk the language a little will be helpful.  Maybe I have a better premium product I can produce (naturally selling for more $$, if i got to take extra steps to produce).  :)


My thought process so far, is the plant (alfalfa or grasses), produce sugar throughout the day.  The peak sugar content is just before/at sundown.  The plant uses this sugars to 'grow', the growing happens all day (with the right conditions, naturally).  So the plant sugar content is the lowest at sun rise (or shortly thereafter).  If this is true, the earlier in the day cutting would help generate lower sugar hay.


Let me have it, won't be the first time I'm off-base either.  :o


Thanks in advance for your wisdom/knowledge/comments.  :)  





Sugar content - hay customer

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