Hoof rot

lundi 10 août 2020

My flock of sheep got a bad case of hoof rot. It rained almost a week solid with 12 hr rounds of 90+ heat. The pasture was saturated almost swampy....but with thigh high grass. Once it started to dry out they came back towards the barn where the pasture was shorter and dry. A couple of the kids were gimping around as if a cow stepped on them or they got rammed by a bossy ewe. As the days went on more and more were gimping around the pasture. I knew I had a problem when the momma ewes started limping too. Checked around and also called the local livestock vet. He recommended NuFlur but I got a cheaper generic called liquimyacin. or LA-200.


Got them all corralled up and inoculated. The directions say to give 2 shots in 48 hrs but they are all up and grazing and walking without a limp. I'm hoping to not have to catch all those basterds again.


I did miss one little guy. Funny how they can barely limp and crawl around on their knees to graze but you go to catch them and they sprint and prance away from you like reindeer. I'm hoping he gets what he needs from mommas milk. If not, He'll have to get really lame before I come after him again. Good thing I got all their tails and balls banded already.

Hoof rot

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