To top dress or not

mardi 31 mai 2016

I'm in upstate SC, my fields are almost pure Fescue.


I've finished my first cutting and we are expecting some rain during the next week and I'm wondering if I could/should top dress my Fescue.


I cut it about 5" high and think it might handle the heat better with more leaf...


I know with our hot temps around the corner that it will sort of go dormant during the high temps.


I wondering if either 17-17-17 or straight 32-0-0 would be ok, or maybe another mix, I haven't sent my soil sample off yet for this summer's reading but the last one ( last fall) came back looking good but then we had lots of rain during the winter and maybe leached some stuff away...


What do you experts say...


Thanks for your info I'm still learning....

To top dress or not

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