Timothy Heading Out - Kind-Of, Need a reality check....

vendredi 20 mai 2016

Having a look see at my field planted in Clair. Timothy is anywhere from knee high to mid thigh high. Sporadically I'm seeing some heads, out of the sheath, between 2 and 3 inches long. No bloom. Also seeing sporadically more heads starting to form, 1/2 inch in length or less. However, for the most part, no heads at all, or even forming as I look over the field.

Got some rain tonight and some Saturday morning, then clearing off. Sunday through Tuesday the weather breaks from partly cloudy to sunny skies - so I have a window. After that, rain in the forecast.

Seems like with our old orchard grass, we'd look out and all at once see seed heads everywhere. I'm thinking timothy ought to be the same. Perhaps what I'm seeing with the sporadic heading activity is due to this being a new stand? Thoughts?

Also thinking I should wait until I see more heads forming than less - which is opposite of that now. I'm thinking, rather than cut tomorrow evening, let this timothy go another week or so and benefit from the sun (after much rain) and additional growth/yield. Thoughts?

The gamble is - will the weather going forward punish me for not cutting now - LOL!


Timothy Heading Out - Kind-Of, Need a reality check....

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