High Stubble shoes, in line moisture meters etc

mardi 31 mai 2016

Cut my first hay yesterday, some at 10, the rest after 2.  Used the high stubble shoes.  Love them.  Hay tedded better, dried better, raked better.  Made 135 50# ave bales of og on 1 ac cut at 10.  The rest was still too green to bale today.  will be perfect tomorrow.  about 6-7 ac more tomorrow.  First experience with in line moisture meter.  Man what a difference.  Had two or three plunger strokes that were high (in the 20s), the rest averaged about 13% and ran up to a few 15%.  Nice to know what you are doing as you are doing it.  My only question, what took my fellow haytalkers so long to convince me it was a good idea? :D 20160531 OG-1.jpg 20160531 OG-3.jpg 20160531 OG-4.jpg 20160531 OG-12.jpg



Best part of all, it is sold, will be gone tomorrow and the check deposited.  Guy pays top dollar, takes it off my hay wagon. 

High Stubble shoes, in line moisture meters etc

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