RR Alfalfa longevity

dimanche 29 mai 2016

     Planted 80 acres of WL 372 RR seed 40 in the spring and 40 in the fall 3 years ago.  Stands have been on a 4 cutting schedule and came in very well.  First two years they both produced an average of 7-7.5 tons.  Last year was the third year and the production dropped off to about 3 tons.  Both stands have begun to get much much thinner and really are looking pretty rough, bad enough I put 10 lbs. of grass in one of them this spring planning on doing the same to the other this fall. Stands have been properly fertilized and we use yearly soil testing for diagnostics, water isn't an issue as we're irrigated, and we started with good stands so I just don't understand what's going on.  Is the life of this stuff really this short? 

RR Alfalfa longevity

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