Frustrated In May

lundi 23 mai 2016

Just wondering how many of you NC-VA-PA hayguys are going to attempt to make dry hay with the alleged 4 days of better weather we have coming.  Looks like the weather will close in on Monday for all next week so if you push it and have no wetwrap option, you have a double mess, lost hay and messed up field.  My gut says the ground will be too wet so even if I could get the hay made, and that is a big if, the damage to the field would not be worth it.  Can't even bushhog paddocks here today, might be able to by Wed or thurs and our ground is all well drained.  Tropical humidity now with the sun just breaking out so I anticipate another toad strangler this pm.  Probably won't get a drop in Aug and early sept and won't get a second cutting just like last year.  Oh well, I can go Kayaking...

Frustrated In May

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