Questions for people out west

vendredi 9 juin 2017

Yesterday, I had a situation I have never, ever encountered before--OG first cutting hay was 8-12% moisture when I baled it. 


One spot, near a seep spring, ran 19% for a short distance, but then dropped back to 12% or less.   At times, sections ran below 8%.


In my environment, I seldom get below 16%, usually 18-20%, put prop. acid on all the time.  I have never baled hay this dry.


My questions: 


Will this hay still go through a sweat? 


These are 5x5 BR's -- Is it safe to stack 3 high in barn?


Any problems that I should know about or other things I should think of?  (I know how to handle high moisture hay, but not over dry hay.)


I put prop. acid on the inside 40" at 4lbs/ton just out of habit--Was that just being over-cautious?






Questions for people out west

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