Steffen Accumulator Hydraulic TEMPS???

mardi 13 juin 2017

Hello all, 

Looking for input from users of the Steffen accumulator.  My second season running mine and I think I've just about got it figured out and had this pop up.  


However, after putting up 1500 bales last Weds I noticed the flow control valve and the hydraulics in general were so hot as to melt some little plastic freeze plugs on the sump housing on the back of my T4.75. I didn't have my infared thermometer with me but I'd have been surprised if it was less than 200F.  Really really really hot.  


Levels were within range, the remote valve was open all the way, the flow control was set up for open center per Steffen manual instructions, the accumulator was operating normally.  


I've noticed some heat in the past but this was far hotter than prior 4 times I've ran it.


Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Suggestions for remediation?  

Any reason not to plumb in a cooler  with a fan if it keeps up?






Steffen Accumulator Hydraulic TEMPS???

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