BR7060 shaft coupler failure

mercredi 24 juin 2020

In sunny skies, 84 degrees 45% relative humidity and 26 acres of the prettiest green, dry hay I’ve made yet this year ready to bale, my trusty BR7060  (very trustworthy to break in best baling conditions  :rolleyes: ) broke what looks like a shaft coupler in between the main gearbox output shaft and the main sprocket drive bearing. All sprocket drive lost, but 90 degree output shaft still turning. A soft slip clutch chatter is all I can hear. 

Part not at my favorite local NH dealer (on speed dial). So ordered from Mountville, PA (NH parts depot). It’ll be here tomorrow about noon. 

My question is, once I unbolt the main gearbox, will it simply slide away from the output shaft coupler? Or does the output shaft have to be removed from the gearbox? Are their retainer clips? How does it come apart? 

I am hoping the coupler is broken and not either of the shaft ends. Assuming the coupler is made of softer steel than shafts? 


Any help appreciated. 

BR7060 shaft coupler failure

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