Any tips you can tell me about mowing Crown vetch

jeudi 18 juin 2020

Encounter a extremely difficult task of mowing crown vetch with a tow behind seven foot sickle bar new idea mower . I can’t negotiate the location of the last swath , the swath board is useless , the vetch is so entangled it will not lay down,. I end up turn ing into a previous mowed section and that cause a plug up .getting off the tractor to un plug cutter bar is equal in frustration the vetch catches my work boots and tripped me several times . 
Broke my original wooden swath board which had a pole bar that could be adjusted, but its useless till I figure out what the part number is to attempt to reordered ,not sure it will help anyway. 
I tried and after market swath metal board . Broke it off backs up dug in a bent it ,I could not see it ,was hidden under the tangled vetch. 
It also seems to stay wet and tuff at the the cutter base , even at 2:00 in afternoon ,if you back up the stock will wrap around the cutter bar ,can’t solution clear plugs  . 
Well that’s a few of the issues . 
I thought with a rebuilt cutter the task would be done by now. But slowing down helps but still plugs. I was thinking of putting an lift on the end of cutter to mow in high mow position to just the flowers off , ? About 7 inch off field deck ?
Any tips ideas. My son asked me to help him mow it before it goes to seed ,still in flower state. He doesn’t want it to go to seed .

thanks you for any suggestions , 

Any tips you can tell me about mowing Crown vetch

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