Texting Scams

samedi 10 juin 2017

Just wondering, has anybody else been receiving text messages from out of state buyers?

I advertise on Craig's List and a couple of other sites. I list my number in those ads. For at least the last month, I receive a text message from somebody out of state (can tell because caller ID shows their area code) at least once a week inquiring about buying hay.

Just today I received a text from somebody in Chicago (I'm in Texas) wanting to buy hay.

It's always the same.:.i want to buy some hay, my mover will pick it up, need your name and address to mail the check.

I know it's some type of identity theft scam. Sometimes
I play along. When they ask what name to put on the check and where to mail it to, I reply by saying:

Make the check out to:

Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC

One time, after sending who to make the check out to, the little scammer sent me a reply saying that the checks in the mail. He didn't even know who the President is.

Texting Scams

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