To over seed, tear up or do nothing?

lundi 10 août 2020

I didn’t want to hi jack maxpowers thread so my issue is this,

We’ve have had a really dry year here too. I’ve got a new seeds field that was planted 50/50 alfalfa, Timothy at 30 pounds to the acre. It was seeded with a cover crop of oats at 60 pounds to the acre.
The field was worked , I had two days rock picking with a rented picker( it’s light land but has boney areas) seeded oats then packed it with a crowfoot packer . Then used a brillion to seed. The field is smooth as a babies bottom. All I had to do is wait for the rain . It never came, or very little. I got 54 ,52 inch bales (@ 600 pounds) which I sold to a dairy farmer.
Ok , so I wait still no rain. Nothing to harvest in second cut. The field is brown . No life , until this past week we’ve gotten almost 3 inches of rain.
I have crop insurance on it. I put in a claim just to start the paperwork just in case.
One adjuster has looked at it and said it’s bad but he has worse this year.
The re-seed benefit is @ 135 per acre. Doesn’t cover all the crop and work put in but it’s better then a kick in the butt.
I could wait till the spring but I really need the hay for first cut
So, this is my question?
What drills are you guys using for seeding in these established hay stands .
I just have this fall to put in alfalfa, because second year I would encounter auto toxicity right with the alfalfa?
What ever is there for plants I would run the risk of damaging then by cutting their crowns with the seed coulters right?
I’ve never done much late summer seeding. We did 45 ares last year for the first time and all the stars lined up right. The stand didn’t look good at first in the fall but this spring it was fantastic. Yield was a 106 small squares to the acre.
So not sure what do do

To over seed, tear up or do nothing?

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