Orchard Grass - How Often Can You Cut It????

mardi 3 mai 2016

I understand that Timothy doesn't like to be cut frequently and you're lucky to get 2 cuts per year, but what about frequent cuttings of orchard grass?


One of the fields I'm reclaiming is loaded with native grass seeds from the past, undesirable grasses that broad leaf herbicides won't kill.  Even if I kill down (which I do) with roundup, legacy native grass seeds exists and will come in the summer.


I'm thinking that for a time, I need to take off a first cut and then frequent cuts throughout the summer as warm season perennial native grasses come.  The signal to cut again would be when the undesirable grass weed seed head starts to form.  The goal is to exhaust the seed bed and potential seed formation.  Between that and a good fertilizer, lime and broad-leaf herbicide program, I ought have a nice pure stand of OG.  In addition to controlling the native grasses, I could benefit from having multiple 2nd, 3rd type cuts where the leafy hay brings a better price than first cutting.


So - I mow my lawn (which is largely fescue and bluegrass mix) every week and it grows back thick and green.


Will frequent cutting (every 30ish days - as an example) destroy and otherwise good stand of orchard grass?








Orchard Grass - How Often Can You Cut It????

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