Land- to own or to rent
Land- to own or to rent
samedi 30 juin 2018
Land- to own or to rent
Herbicide,seed, fertilize what order? - hay newb
Thanks for everyone's help with my last question.
I have some false dandelions that I was told I have to reduce for my horse hay.
After the field is cut, can I simply over seed with a good horse mix, or do I have to plow it and seed from scratch?
If I can over seed it with my seed drill, should I hit the false dandelions with herbicide first?
How soon after can I seed if I spray herbicide? And where in all of this should I fertilize?
Please accept my apologies in advance for my ignorant question, but my first job is a computer tech, and i am trying to learn to be a farmer as fast as I can!
Herbicide,seed, fertilize what order? - hay newb
Newborn calf fly spray
vendredi 29 juin 2018
Newborn calf fly spray
Abbriata M60 Baler
Here is an interesting baler for someone that needs a smaller sized machine. The first one I have ever seen, claims only needs 20HP.
Abbriata M60 Baler
On my 1033 the load rack has worn grooves in the channell where the rollers travel and I am trying to figure out how to fix it,should I weld a new flat bar down it or cut it out and then weld a new flat bar down it or weld it up and grind it down,has anybody fixed one this way? Or what is the best way to fix it? Thanks
Iowa Farmland.
Very interesting.....AgWeb.
Regards, Mike
Iowa Farmland.
Parrish accumulator
mercredi 27 juin 2018
Parrish accumulator
Seat time
I cleared trails I had not been on for 5 years (with the tractor) yesterday. Trails were fairly dry but still plenty of pucker factor. The new AG tires performed flawlessly. :thumb:
I have two hills that need attention in the worst way. I will have to rent a track hoe and maybe a dozer to get them in a condition suitable for driving the Honda Pioneer on without fear of sliding the wrong way and going over the hill. I can drive it but do not feel it is safe for anyone not familiar with the property and that hill in particular. Thankfully we have 3 different trails that will get us to our boat dock so all can still get down there when the time comes.
Anyone else getting some seat time?
Seat time
Looking for feedback on Hesston 5456A baler any good???
Looking at a nice 5456 baler I have no experience with Hesston AGCO balers Help me out guys Thanks
Looking for feedback on Hesston 5456A baler any good???
BC5070H Twine Issue Update
mardi 26 juin 2018
In Sept of last year I posted a question regarding #2 twine occasionally losing the knot when I pushed the baler hard. After changing knotter knives and verifying twine disk tension I was still experiencing the same issue with the left hand #2 twine. Turns out the twine tension was a little too loose coming out of the twine box. After adjustment, I can push the baler if necessary. Hope this helps someone in the future.
BC5070H Twine Issue Update
Does number of links in chain affect timing on a sq baler?
I'm in a discussion on another site about chain length affecting timing of sq baler. It was stated chain length(# of links) affects timing. I can envision chain length(# of links) affecting timing of wire twisters with 3 sprockets on NH balers but not on chains where there's only a drive & driven sprocket.
Thanks for any replies,Jim
Does number of links in chain affect timing on a sq baler?
Making Alfalfa Hay in Humid Regions
Several years ago the consensus on HT appeared to be to cut alfalfa one day, run the tedder over it early the next day, rake the third day, and bale the fourth day. This season, I am cutting the alfalfa and tedding it as soon as I can get back to the field with the tedder (8 acres). The tedded alfalfa becomes stem cracking dry by evening of the second day with 90+ degree afternoon temperatures, and I rake and bale it into small squares the third day.
Tedding immediately following completion of cutting opens the swath and does away with compressed hay due to driving one set of tractor tires on the swath of cut hay. Very few leaves are lost by tedding the freshly cut hay compared to waiting to run the tedder over the cut hay the next morning. Another advantage of tedding the same day as cutting is that bunched alfalfa at 90 degree turns is spread so that it dries uniformly with the rest of the cut alfalfa. Does anyone else work their alfalfa this way? What is your procedure?
I cut using a NH 488 cutter/crimper and cutting is somewhat of a slow process. I still have some difficulty maintaining square corners as I cut in a rectangular field. Any advice?
Making Alfalfa Hay in Humid Regions
$185.00 Steak Sandwich.
Of Wagyu beef....AgWeb.
Regards, Mike
$185.00 Steak Sandwich.
Hay protein values
Then baled some mixed grass hay from a pecan orchard.
I took samples and my dad insisted he wanted to send them out. Well 2 months later my dad says, "oh those samples came back". I asked to see them he said he cant find them.. but he said the results were
18% protein for first cutting ryegrass
14.5% second cutting ryegrass
13.5 mixed grass hay from orchard
And 4.5% on some johnson grass hay i bought from our old hay guy who swore it was cut at the right time and never rained on.
We feed a bale of that first cutting ryegrass that got way hot and is like black tobacco inside to an old cow and she ate on it and didnt die then some hungry 700lbs heifers got in to it and couldnt beat them off with a stick. Guess its safe to feed? This was about 3 weeks ago no issues..
2nd cutting ryegrass the cows are loving it, it also was a little tobacco smell.
So what your thoughts on 4.5% johnson grass hay is that real low? Think it was rained on? I knew it was poor hay after feeding the first bale when the cows didnt want it.. almost had to force them it.
That 4.5 percent just confirms my decision to bale my own.
What is good coastal hay spose to be?
What is good ryegrass hay spose to be?
And johnson grass too..
Hay protein values
Baler twine where does everybody buy it
Baler twine where does everybody buy it
Wrapping dry hay
Wrapping dry hay
Looking for a sprayer
Whats yallls thoughts?
Looking for a sprayer
John Deere 726 loader Specs
There is a John Deere 726 front end loader for sale in my area. I looked for over an hour on the web to find the specs. I can find to owners manual but no specs listed. If someone runs across this info please add a link to this post. I do not much info on this loader at all, a few pictures and some for sale. Thanks in advance.
John Deere 726 loader Specs
1st time cutting a field question
I'm as green as they come, when it comes to cutting a hay field.
A little back ground story. My neighbor who is 85 years old, isn't able to cut his hay field due to medical issues right now. His wife asked if I could cut, rake and bale it. I said sure but I've never done it before.After watching tons of Youtube videos, I cut my first hay field. It was really fun and I had a blast. I didn't attempt the baling part until I received some better guidance. Anyway, my question is about the initial cutting.
His cutter is a John Deere 285. I wished I'd taken photos but I didn't, so I will attempt to describe what is my concern.
Each end of the disc cutter cut the grass close to the ground, and throw the cuttings into a little windrow. But the center of the cutter bar didn't cut very good at all. There is grass still 10" tall. The field looks nasty and I'm so embarrassed having attempted cutting the field. It sure doesn't look like a golf course.
Like a goofball, I never checked the center until I was finished cutting the field.
Before I started cutting the field, I'd checked the oil and made sure all the knifes were sharp and they were. Before I started the knifes were straight out on each rotor. Now all the knifes are folded back (like the bolt is loose but it isn't) and not straight out like they were when I started. The end knifes that cut real good are also folded back. It almost looks like the rotor cut the grass and not the knifes, or just a small portion of the knife did. My question is. Shouldn't the knifes be straight out and not folded back? Or does the rotation and force of the rotor when cutting, keep them straight out? Wonder if I should change all the blade pivot bolts for each knife, and get them real tight?
I really hope someone understands what I'm trying to describe.
1st time cutting a field question
NH 270 baler and first time use and setup
I tried baling with this 270 I am looking to buy and it seems like it doesn't feed hay very well. On my jd 336 baler there is an auger that helps move hay over to the plunger and the little hay fork moves in and out when the plunger moves to help move hay as well, but on this new holland there is only 2 sets of forks and there is a bunch hay that the pickup teeth cant shove in any further and the forks aren't grabbing it to move it over to the plunger.
I will also add that to get this baler started this year, I brought some 2 year old small square bales and broke them open to rebale as we have had 7-8" of rain this week and any hay down or not is wet. We had them spread out in a windrow and were even forking in some by hand, but it seems there could be a bales worth in the front right now.
Any ideas?
NH 270 baler and first time use and setup
Leave in windrows after rain and more in the forcast?
My thinking is to leave it raked until Monday morning. Hit it a bunch with the tedder and rake late Tues and bale. This was cow hay, not sure if it will still make it or be bedding.
With the lower temps does this sound like it will work?
Leave in windrows after rain and more in the forcast?
Hay Guard Cant find anymore. Need to switch?
Big Gains in wisconsin. They dont sell enuff and what they have is to old to sell. I need to find some other product to use. I went with this product because of no smell. I did not want to use acid. Any ideas what I could use? Thanks
Hay Guard Cant find anymore. Need to switch?
JD 535 density valve collar
I have an old (un loved ) 535. I want to adjust the bale denisty valve but there is an extra collar or stop on it. Can anyone tell me if I need a special wrench to loosen this. It is the one in the center that is smooth.It seems to have two little bearings in it. At this time the bearing wont move (meaning I cant tell if they are spring loaded). I have the other two left and right of it loose.
Thanks Mike
JD 535 density valve collar
Grazing Native Warm Season Grass.
Progressive Forage Grower.
Regards, Mike
Grazing Native Warm Season Grass.
Bio Cal
Bio Cal
What do you look for when buying baler & rake?
Found a used JD baler, looks like it may be a 14T and a rake that looks something like a JD 670. Other than having him demonstrate both machines, what are typical areas of wear or problem areas I should look at? He wants less than $2K for both items and that is the cheapest I've seen. Most balers alone are over $3K
What do you look for when buying baler & rake?
Swinging Drawbar - When Running A Baler?!?
Anyone running a baler (round or otherwise) with a swinging drawbar set to "swing"? I'm thinking it would make things easier for the U joints in the PTO shaft while turning. My main concern is the baler slamming that drawbar to the side and destabilizing the tractor when braking, during road travel. Anyone do this? Or have any thoughts on it?
Swinging Drawbar - When Running A Baler?!?
Kuhn gmd 700 help
Kuhn gmd 700 help
Vermeer 554XL - net knife and other questions
New to me..and I'm new to round balers, always made small squares before now.
I've got the net knife out, I'm not sure if it's been sharpened before. The bevel edge is rough with file marks and very dull, I rolled a dozen miserable bales and gave up, net failed to cut half the time and would keep feeding on the bale but more than not it rolled itself up on the rollers. I watched it carefully or I would have rolled an entire roll of new net wrap on one bale so I was quick on the PTO to quit the bale rolling up all the net.
My question is do I want this knife to be polished shiny and extremely smooth razor edge? or is it suppose to be a grabby sharp edge? it appears to be a grabby edge from the last sharpening (or factory) if it wasn't sharpened.
Vermeer 554XL - net knife and other questions
Cutting height -1st vs 2nd cutting
Cutting height -1st vs 2nd cutting
New holland 450 utility
New holland 450 utility
Massey Ferguson 2946a Round Baler
I have bought a Massey Ferguson 2946a Round Baler. I have the operators manual.
I am looking for :
1) better user documentation, easier to follow and understand, and hopefully less than 60 pages of instruction to learn operation of the machine.
2) shop manual, free would be awesome but I have not found anything free yet. Any suggestions of sources for good manuals (especially shop manual )?
Thank You
Massey Ferguson 2946a Round Baler
GRINDING Noise While Wrapping NET
Hello everyone, I have an older NH round baler (658) with net wrap. While the roll of net is spinning/feeding, there is a loud grinding sound coming from the baler. Only during this time. Does anyone have any guesses what it could be? Everything in front of the "wall" behind the roll of net wrap itself seems fine, no play in the moving parts, etc. I think its behind that wall. Any ideas? All thoughtful input would be greatly appreciated.
GRINDING Noise While Wrapping NET
New holland bar rake teeth/tines rubber vs steel
New holland bar rake teeth/tines rubber vs steel
Sickle section advise NH 488 Haybine
Hi team and thanks for any advice. I'm replacing the mix matched guards, and sickle sections on my new to me, New Holland 488. There is currently a mix of 245, 215 and NH87042356 guards on it. I plan on replacing the guards with a G-215DH guard kit from Webbs. I plan on installing top serrated sections, but am a little overwhelmed at the selection on Webbs page for NH sickle sections. I've tried to post the link to their sickle page but can't seem to get it done. I'm thinking about using their section called XHTSPL, it's an over serrated, plated section available in a bag of 100.
I'm a rookie haymaker & haybine user so I'd appreciate any input or ideas you have.
Thank you,
Sickle section advise NH 488 Haybine
NH 570 c rod bearing p/n
Good Evening everyone. Anybody have a after market p/n for NH 570 connecting rod bearing with inch hardware? Really don't want to send $263 for bearing and housing from NH. Thanks in advance
NH 570 c rod bearing p/n
How can you pencil out a large square baler over a round baler?
How can you pencil out a large square baler over a round baler?
My wife's dad has passed and in the estate is a Ford I4-294 Small square baler sn I002 it is a wire baler and has very few bales run through it based on the condition of the wear parts. It was locked up but only took about a hour to free everything up except the knotter which I waited on. Do I sell it for scrap or fix it if it needs any repairs and use it? I do not have a small square baler at this time and only need about a hundred a year for the wife to haul with barrel horses. Will it be worth the headache? I also picked up 6 new rolls of wire. HELP
Monitor Bracket
I have a Vermeer 665 Rancher Round Baler and the monitor that came with it has a suction cup on the back of it but doesnt stay where it should and even worse sometimes falls when working. Does anyone know where I can find a bracket that I can adapt to mount on a cross bar that is in my tractor. Looking to buy something, if not looking for any fab ideas!!!! Thanks
Monitor Bracket
BC5070H Twine Issue Update
In Sept of last year I posted a question regarding #2 twine occasionally losing the knot when I pushed the baler hard. After changing knotter knives and verifying twine disk tension I was still experiencing the same issue with the left hand #2 twine. Turns out the twine tension was a little too loose coming out of the twine box. After adjustment, I can push the baler if necessary. Hope this helps someone in the future.
BC5070H Twine Issue Update
Does number of links in chain affect timing on a sq baler?
I'm in a discussion on another site about chain length affecting timing of sq baler. It was stated chain length(# of links) affects timing. I can envision chain length(# of links) affecting timing of wire twisters with 3 sprockets on NH balers but not on chains where there's only a drive & driven sprocket.
Thanks for any replies,Jim
Does number of links in chain affect timing on a sq baler?
Baler twine where does everybody buy it
lundi 25 juin 2018
Baler twine where does everybody buy it
Wrapping dry hay
Wrapping dry hay
John Deere 726 loader Specs
dimanche 24 juin 2018
There is a John Deere 726 front end loader for sale in my area. I looked for over an hour on the web to find the specs. I can find to owners manual but no specs listed. If someone runs across this info please add a link to this post. I do not much info on this loader at all, a few pictures and some for sale. Thanks in advance.
John Deere 726 loader Specs
1st time cutting a field question
samedi 23 juin 2018
I'm as green as they come, when it comes to cutting a hay field.
A little back ground story. My neighbor who is 85 years old, isn't able to cut his hay field due to medical issues right now. His wife asked if I could cut, rake and bale it. I said sure but I've never done it before.After watching tons of Youtube videos, I cut my first hay field. It was really fun and I had a blast. I didn't attempt the baling part until I received some better guidance. Anyway, my question is about the initial cutting.
His cutter is a John Deere 285. I wished I'd taken photos but I didn't, so I will attempt to describe what is my concern.
Each end of the disc cutter cut the grass close to the ground, and throw the cuttings into a little windrow. But the center of the cutter bar didn't cut very good at all. There is grass still 10" tall. The field looks nasty and I'm so embarrassed having attempted cutting the field. It sure doesn't look like a golf course.
Like a goofball, I never checked the center until I was finished cutting the field.
Before I started cutting the field, I'd checked the oil and made sure all the knifes were sharp and they were. Before I started the knifes were straight out on each rotor. Now all the knifes are folded back (like the bolt is loose but it isn't) and not straight out like they were when I started. The end knifes that cut real good are also folded back. It almost looks like the rotor cut the grass and not the knifes, or just a small portion of the knife did. My question is. Shouldn't the knifes be straight out and not folded back? Or does the rotation and force of the rotor when cutting, keep them straight out? Wonder if I should change all the blade pivot bolts for each knife, and get them real tight?
I really hope someone understands what I'm trying to describe.
1st time cutting a field question
NH 270 baler and first time use and setup
I tried baling with this 270 I am looking to buy and it seems like it doesn't feed hay very well. On my jd 336 baler there is an auger that helps move hay over to the plunger and the little hay fork moves in and out when the plunger moves to help move hay as well, but on this new holland there is only 2 sets of forks and there is a bunch hay that the pickup teeth cant shove in any further and the forks aren't grabbing it to move it over to the plunger.
I will also add that to get this baler started this year, I brought some 2 year old small square bales and broke them open to rebale as we have had 7-8" of rain this week and any hay down or not is wet. We had them spread out in a windrow and were even forking in some by hand, but it seems there could be a bales worth in the front right now.
Any ideas?
NH 270 baler and first time use and setup
Leave in windrows after rain and more in the forcast?
My thinking is to leave it raked until Monday morning. Hit it a bunch with the tedder and rake late Tues and bale. This was cow hay, not sure if it will still make it or be bedding.
With the lower temps does this sound like it will work?
Leave in windrows after rain and more in the forcast?
Massey Ferguson 2946a Round Baler
jeudi 21 juin 2018
I have bought a Massey Ferguson 2946a Round Baler. I have the operators manual.
I am looking for :
1) better user documentation, easier to follow and understand, and hopefully less than 60 pages of instruction to learn operation of the machine.
2) shop manual, free would be awesome but I have not found anything free yet. Any suggestions of sources for good manuals (especially shop manual )?
Thank You
Massey Ferguson 2946a Round Baler
GRINDING Noise While Wrapping NET
Hello everyone, I have an older NH round baler (658) with net wrap. While the roll of net is spinning/feeding, there is a loud grinding sound coming from the baler. Only during this time. Does anyone have any guesses what it could be? Everything in front of the "wall" behind the roll of net wrap itself seems fine, no play in the moving parts, etc. I think its behind that wall. Any ideas? All thoughtful input would be greatly appreciated.
GRINDING Noise While Wrapping NET
New holland bar rake teeth/tines rubber vs steel
New holland bar rake teeth/tines rubber vs steel
Sickle section advise NH 488 Haybine
Hi team and thanks for any advice. I'm replacing the mix matched guards, and sickle sections on my new to me, New Holland 488. There is currently a mix of 245, 215 and NH87042356 guards on it. I plan on replacing the guards with a G-215DH guard kit from Webbs. I plan on installing top serrated sections, but am a little overwhelmed at the selection on Webbs page for NH sickle sections. I've tried to post the link to their sickle page but can't seem to get it done. I'm thinking about using their section called XHTSPL, it's an over serrated, plated section available in a bag of 100.
I'm a rookie haymaker & haybine user so I'd appreciate any input or ideas you have.
Thank you,
Sickle section advise NH 488 Haybine
mercredi 20 juin 2018
i am getting ready to fabricate my first 10 bale hay grapple. Anyone have any pics/plans or advice for me
Bypass valve adjustment for 2011 900XT?
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to adjust the HST on the XT so that it unloads the pressure in idle? (I have tried waiting 10 seconds, using the handbrake, etc., but it’s no help)
Also, it occurs to me that it could be a shift fork or shift linkage issue but I have no idea how to constructively make those adjustments. (The RTV linkages remind of an old Weber Side Draft carburetor where making one adjustment would affect the other 19 valves and jet adjustments.)
Bypass valve adjustment for 2011 900XT?
Question for the preservative sprayers out there?
Wouldn't the preservative make the hay moister, thus asking for more preservative?
This is on a ss baler??
Question for the preservative sprayers out there?
4430 belt replacement
I need to replace the AC and fan belts on my john deere 4430. I know I have to take off the hydraulic pump drive coupler, but I'm having issues. I got the lock nuts off, but the 2 bolts won't come out. Are they threaded into the coupler? I tried turning one out and it got really tight. I was afraid it I might break it. Any ideas??
Also, are there only 2 bolts?
If I get the bolts out will the coupler just come off, does it slide back and off??
4430 belt replacement
Hesston V belt size for 5540 rounder?
Hesston V belt size for 5540 rounder?
Vermeer 6640 lemon-help!!
I have spent a lot of time working on this baler, trying to get it to work. It plugs. The netwrap rips, either on an edge or leavesrips around the bale. The bale shape/size wont stay calibrated. Sometimes it wont wrap at all, with no warning an if the light isnt such that I can see in there I end up ejecting an unwrapped bale. Sometimes the net goes around the rollers instead of the bale. If the hay is heavy at all, It plugs, even though it is supposed to have the “silage kit.” Lol, good luck with silage.
My dealer has been out several times last year. I thought we had it lined out when I finally got 20 or so good bales in a row last year! But when I started haying this year all the same old tricks it pulls came back. I couldnt spend any more time and lost productivity on this machine so I went and bought a new John Deere 460m silage special. I rolled my first cutting without having to get off the tractor..worked perfectly from bale one.
If anyone has a contact at Vermeer to help me get them to buy back this 6640 Id appreciate it. It has cost me money and time. I am reasonable, and would be willing to accept less than what I paid based on bale count but I got a lemon and that isnt right. All they want to do is continue to try and fix it,. Thanks in advance.
Vermeer 6640 lemon-help!!
NH 315 Needle ?
mardi 19 juin 2018
Last night the arm that pulls the needle assembly sheared the bolt on the left side that holds it together. Number 23, what should i look for as a cause to this? also anyone have a picture of it assembled so i get the right parts.
NH 315 Needle ?
NH 6740 disc mower problem
My grandson was mowing last week with a New Holland H6740 disc mower and noticed the cutters had stopped. When I inspected it I found the pinion gear in the module under the gearbox had stripped. Module to replace it is over $500! The dealer has the gear kit available for $235.
Has anybody replaced this gear and will share the instructions on how to do it?
NH 6740 disc mower problem
Dust Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Dust Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
new holland 270 baler for sale
lundi 18 juin 2018
I have a chance to buy a baler, sickle mower, rake package for cheap and the baler is an older New Holland 270 baler and I was surprised to see the 3 on tractorhouse all were less than $1,800. I know this baler is from the 1960's but is there any other reason this baler is not desirable? This will be a backup baler so it doesn't have to be anything special, and the only other hiccup is that I currently have jd 336 baler and am not that familiar with new holland balers but that wont stop me from buying one.
new holland 270 baler for sale
rehabbing a field?
Have about 22 acres of what has been used as horse pasture for 20 some years.
It's not getting grazed enough to keep it down, so the better half has been having it brush hogged a few time a year.
I'm thinking, now that we have a decent tractor, that we partitiion is off and turn 10-12 acres into hay fields - the smaller fenced areas will be more intensively used (6 horses at the moment, usually has 2 borders also, so 8) and instead of mowing for no reason can turn the un-pastured acres into hay and get something out of it. We're spending 4k or so a year on hay.
I've brush hogged it all and some of it is hay, a few acres pretty good (used to be well grazed and mowed paddocks..maybe 4 acres) but most of it is very weedy - last year before we got the tractor it was only brush hogged in mid august - so everything went to seed.
I'm mowing about 5" high and doing it just about the time the weeds flower but don't seed - read that this will increase hay and reduce weeds.
Is that enough?
Can we spray and with what?
And seeding new and when? All I've found is putting in new pasture...nothing on reseeding an existing pasture.
rehabbing a field?
cost to bale 4x5 round bale
Whats the going rate for someone to bale a round bale? Bale only ,no cutting, no tedding ,no raking.
cost to bale 4x5 round bale
Kuhn GMD 24 Disc cutter
Purchased a new Kuhn gmd 24 disc cutter and I simply cannot get the supplied pull rope to release it from the transport to work position. I have adjusted the tie rod to no avail. The only way to lower the cutter is to set in all the way down with 3 point, get off tractor and give the locking arm a good pull then back on tractor and lower with the Hyd. cylinder. Then have to get back off tractor to release the front curtain guard lock. What a screwy way to go?? Being that I only transport from one pasture to another and never on road I think it may be best to do away with the rope idea as I still have to get off for the curtain guard release. This is my first post. What am I doing wrong?
Kuhn GMD 24 Disc cutter
New Holland 275 Baler Knotting Problems
dimanche 17 juin 2018
I have a 275 New Holland Baler - it was starting to miss quite a bales using sisal twine and missed a lot more on plastic twine. I decided to overhaul the knotters. Did the following
- I installed new bolted twine knifes
- new twine holder springs
- new brass rollers on twine knife arms
- replace twine box tension plates
- set twine disc timing
- adjusted twine fingers
- adjusted knife arm to bill hook clearance (slightly rubbing)
I loaded with 9000 ft plastic twine and did the first baling of the year last week - I baled about 60 bales with no misses and then it started to miss but always on the left side ( side opposite the twine box) It gradually got worse over the next 100 bales to the point where it was missing a bale about every 5 or 6 bales on the left side. I switched back to sisal on the left side and it didnt miss another bale for the rest of the field - abut another 300 bales.
The string in the left knotter that was missing did not have a knot on either end of the string ?
Before the next baling i rechecked the adjustments - coiuldn't see anything that look out of adjustment or differnet from the right side that was working well. I checked the twine box tension with a fish scale - had less than a pound with plastic twine - tried to set to 3 to 4 pounds but I had to tighten it where there spring was fully compressed to get to close to 3 pounds and then it was so tight the the knots in the string where the balls were joined would not pull through the tension plates. I had to bck off a little till there was enough movement in the top plate to let a knot pass.
Tired baling again yesterday 2 new rolls of 9000 ft pastic twine installed - same problem - left knotter was missing frequently - I had read in one forum to try reducing the twine holder tension if there was no knot on both ends of the twine - I loosened the bolt 1/4 turn at a time - after half a turn looser it was a little better but still missing every 10 or 12 bales. At this point it was getting late in the day and had to finish baling so I switched back to sisal on the left side. Baled 400 bales after the switch to sisal and it only missed one knot on the left side with sisal and one on the right side with the plastic twine.
I am going to try and borrow a go pro style camera and mount on the left knotter are so I can try and see what is happening
I am not sure what to try next. Appreciate if anyone has any suggestions on what parts may be faulty or other adjustments that I might have to make.
New Holland 275 Baler Knotting Problems
Bale Command Monitor Plus Issues
Bale Command Monitor Plus Issues
Bale Command Monitor
Bale Command Monitor
Vermeer r2300
Vermeer r2300
Dohrmann Applicator Setup Question
I finally had the need to use my Dohrmann Applicator with Hayguard on my round baler. Applicator has the variable speed control. By using the speed control knob on the controller I could vary the flow from basically 1 GPH @ 15 PSI up to the top end of the flow meter which is around 10-12 GPH. For my baling rate I set the speed control at 4 GPH which equaled about 20 PSI. Nozzle put out a nice fine mist.
Question 1 - What pressure are most guys running with their applicator. 20 PSI seams low, but the nozzle sprayed fine so that should be ok right?
Question 2 - Why would I need different nozzles if I can reach the entire range on the flow control meter using the speed controller.
Question 2 - When do you adjust the pressure relieve valve on the applicator vs using the speed controller on the applicator?
The system worked well. No clogged nozzle, and consistent flow, but I don't think I laid enough product on...I will have to check the bales today to see...
Dohrmann Applicator Setup Question
New holland 489 wobble box
New holland 489 wobble box
How hot is hot for a round baler bearing?
However, the big chain drive bearing (not sure of the technical name) was 168*.
Is this too hot?
I have also been dumping the PTO button more, even when driving from one windrow to another, thinking it might let them cool off just a few degrees. Advisable? Or am I just wearing out my PTO assemblies faster?
How hot is hot for a round baler bearing?
Best twine to use
samedi 16 juin 2018
Best twine to use
East Tennessee Growing Alfalfa
Born and raised in Utah. Lived in Utah for about a year. Always told that it was next to impossible to grow alfalfa there. Why is that? I see they grow it North of there in Kentucky.
East Tennessee Growing Alfalfa
New Holland 477 Haybine
Hey everyone, im fairly new hear and im glad to be here!!
I have some issues going on with my 477 ive had it about 2 years now and i mow roughly a 9 to 10 acre field, nothing huge but enough for my four fat beef cows. well last yeari was mowing and all of a sudden the haybine quit turning everything so i got off and looked it over and noticed one of the roller chains had broke and binded up in all the sprockets. (long styory short here i grew up on a farm with my dad and learned everything i know from him, still have ALOT to learn and unfortunetly my best freind and great teacher (my dad) had past away last year due to colon cancer, and now my teacher is gone and im struggling to figure this out on my own) back to the problem dad got it all fixed for me last year and now this year 2 trips around the feild my wobble box broke off from the the haybine and ripped half the wall out with it, anywho got that all repaired and put back together got back down in the field a half of trip around the field i noticed the rollers were squeling like a pig, i shut it down got off and checked and the bottom roller sprocket had came completly off the roller shaft (same one that came off last year and binded everything up) SO i got it back up to the garage, got everything pulled off and looked over (thankfully i caught it before i did any real damage) all i needed was the half moon woodruff key. WELL after 3 tractor and machinery stores later i ended up having to go to Napa (an autoparts store) to finally find my part. Got back to the garagegot the key in put the sprocket back on timmed the rollers and all that good jazz tightened down the 2 set screws on the sprocket fired the tractor up tested it out and everything ran like a top. I was like YESSSSS so got her down in the field and mowing and its running great got one trip around the field and to the end well i stopped the haybine to back up and get linned up for the next row and was ehhhhhhh since i got it shut down ill just check it for the hell of it and low and behold the the sprocket was loose as a goose again, so i got my wrenchs out to tighten the set screws again and i had the one tight and then you fell the wrench just go loose and you all know that feeling when you strip a bolt out i got pissed threw my wrenchs in the tool box and took the haybine to the barn and parked and decided to bale what i had down Havnt even looke at it to see what stripped out yet. But my question is has anyone had this problem and whats the fix for it because obviously the set screws arnt holding the sprocket... at all.....?
SO besides that i wantto finish the rest of my great story cause you all will get a kick out of it and franklly i gotta laugh about it or ill prolly cry lmfao so i get the hay dried enough to bale was going good, well i have a new holland 66 baler if you havnt heard of it look it up... its OLD but it works ya know for the small field i do its great, yeah well the last 2 years ive had this baler its worked flawless no problems at all, now this year i start it up to bale my 4 windrows i got knocked down got one bale out the next bale broke string knotted up in the twine box, so shut the baler down fix the knot get it straigthened out got to fire it back up the pto shaft was spinning but nuttin else on the baler would go NOTHING turns outwear the pto shaft connects to the big wheel on the front of the baler has 2 spring loaded pins that enguage into the wheel when running and when stopped the springs allow the pins to move back as the baler winds down, turns out one pin was completely froze up not even engaging at all and the one pin that DID work decided to freeze up and get stuck inside, so now im trying to free them up to get my baler working again cause a new part is like 140ish bucks and frankly i aint got that atm . SO now im out a haybine and a baler atm still with hay on the ground. Isnt this just fantastic? LOL gotta laugh
So whats all your thought on all this? Thanks ahead of time
New Holland 477 Haybine
Massey 1744 baler
I need some help guys .I just got a 1744 Massey Ferguson baler from a guy to try out and make a offer on It was sitting out for a few years It only has 1600 bales or so on it Everything seams to work so far I just cant figure out how the string attaches itself to the bale and how it is cut off after wards I also cannot seam to locate a owners manual
Any help would be appreciated
Massey 1744 baler
NH RB560 Net Wrap
vendredi 15 juin 2018
NH RB560 Net Wrap
Any wildlife deterrents?
What I'd be looking for is something that I could apply a few days before cutting to encourage wildlife to vacate the fields. I am not some tree hugger, but I don't enjoy the number of good snakes, turtles, and baby deer I've hit without seeing over the past few years and while cutting hay gave me time to think of products I wish I had. Something that washes away and doesn't affect the hay would be needed of course. Not sure if such products exist.
Any wildlife deterrents?
X1100C wiper coverage
X1100C wiper coverage
New Holland 495 Wobble box keeps breaking off
jeudi 14 juin 2018
I have a New Holland 495 that the wobble box keeps breaking off. It happened the first time and I could tell that it had lost the front bolt and had slowly started to crack from there. We had it professionally welded and now it has happened again. I have used it to cut brome and alfalfa for years and haven't had any trouble. Now that we are using it on prairie hay, it is giving us fits. Hoping that someone has had the same trouble as me can point me in the right direction. Thank you
New Holland 495 Wobble box keeps breaking off
NH 1032 bale wagon 1st table problems
Im having trouble with a New Holland 1032 Bale wagon I bought at an auction.
The hydraulics are driven by the PTO and it has in-cab controls. I have 14x18 bales at 46" long, 85 lbs each.
My problem is with the 1st table tripping. When I have 2 bales on the 1st table they are supposed to push an arm, which then trips the 1st table and it raises up to the 2nd table and offloads the 2 bales.
The problem is when the bales hit the arm, nothing happens. I have adjusted the arm all the way in, and the bales pushing against it cant trip the arm. If I get off the tractor and jerk on the arm, the table trips instantly and 1 out of 30 times it will work as its supposed to without me intervening.
So I know the table will work hydraulically/mechanically, but its as if the arm is bound up or something. When I pull on it by hand it takes a medium amount of force. Other wagons I have used, if you barely touch the arm, the 1st table will jump right to it.
Any Ideas?
Thank you
NH 1032 bale wagon 1st table problems
OG Second Cut Typical Yield Percentage????
mercredi 13 juin 2018
Only considering 2nd cut, not further cuttings to be on the conservative side of the numbers.
Techniques to jack-up 2nd cut yield? Obviously nitrogen after the first cut, but what about purposely cutting first cut as soon as the heads start emerging, gleaning that off the field early to give more time for a higher yielding 2nd cut. Any varieties of OG that delivers 2nd cut yield better than others?
Location - western mountains of VA.
Any sage advice appreciated.
OG Second Cut Typical Yield Percentage????
The Dynamic Duo rides again!!!
Starting when I was 7 years old, I learned to run a tractor on a 1959 Ford 641 diesel pulling a 1975 John Deere 660 rake. Over the years, the little tractor had it's ups and downs and is now in better shape than the last time it pulled the 660 rake. Almost 20 years ago, my dad lost the bottom half of the reel drive shaft and ended up getting and using an old NH 56 rake since then. This last week, the 56 rake had a catastrophic failure and broke the spindle shaft and the hub that drives the rake, those two piece from NH were going to be over $400 all told, so I ordered the half-shaft for the 660, robbed teeth and wheels and tires from the NH and pressed the rake that's older than I am back into service.
Looking at it now, I can't understand why my dad didn't put the 660 back into service way before this because it's a foot wider, has 45 more teeth for a cleaner field, and is actually a newer rake than the 56.
It's a trip back to simpler times for me to use this old pair of war horses. Makes me tear up to remember dad teaching me how to rake with this setup. Makes my heart full to think that maybe some of his grandkids can learn on the same setup that he taught on. Anyhow, thought some of you might appreciate the sentiment.
Edit: I should add that when I mentioned that I was going to use the 660 rake again to my mom her comment was, "Lord, shouldn't that old thing be put out of its misery? We bought it in 1975, it's probably raked well over a million square bales of hay!" LOL
The Dynamic Duo rides again!!!
Bermuda Hay Renovation
I have a hay field (about 6 acres) that was sprigged about 10 years ago with Russell Bermuda, but has now been overtaken by Bahia (I live in central Alabama). The field is too small to be sprigged again, but I would like to get all of the Bahia grass out. I have two spots where there is good bermuda, but everything else is Bahia.
What are my options for renovating the field?
Spray with Pastora (or something similar) to kill the Bahia? I'm concerned there's not enough Bermuda to spread over the field.
Lightly disk the field?
I'm looking for suggestions!
Bermuda Hay Renovation
New Holland 740 question
mardi 12 juin 2018
Really appreciate the help I have gotten from everyone in fixing my past problems and screw up. This is an amazing website. I don't post very often but enjoy reading threads and topics from other people. My question today involves the roller bearings on my 740 NH round baler. There are no grease zerts. i see plugs in the bearing housing, and have placed greese zerts in most of them this season. Now, I'm worried this might not be the right thing to do? Second, the gearbox on my baler sits so high that it seems impossible to get the driveling completely level with my PTO. Am I damaging my equiptment by having some angle from the pto to baler gear box.
New Holland 740 question
Grapple tips and tricks
As you guys know, it's my first season with the Kuhn's rig, and I'm slowly getting used to the grapple, but one area where I seem to be constantly failing is getting the bales in really tight to the crowd bar when I'm picking up with the tie bales to the loader. Seems like the (from the seat) first bale is always cocked out to the side, since it doesn't really want to slide against the tie. Laving me with a grab that's not super-tight.
This photo shows kinda the problem, but admittedly, this is one of the better grabs
With a 36" bale, how far out do you guys run your crowd bar/side rail? Mine is out on the first hole and it feels like that might be the problem, should I bump it out to the next hole?
Also open to any and all tips you guys have for grabbing/stacking so I don't feel like such a failure most of the time
Grapple tips and tricks
Krone Balers
I'm thinking about a different baler and looking at krone balers. Anybody use them and what is your experiences with them?
Krone Balers
RTVxt 900 fabric seat cover recommendations?
I’m looking for recommendations for a fabric seat cover for my RTVxt 900 with the contoured seat. I think it’s a 2013.
The seats are not torn up but I’m tired of dealing with the terry cloth towel cover that migrated over from my old 2005 RTV900. Any suggestions?
(Also, I’m starting to have issues getting the machine out of reverse when it’s backed up on a hill - but that’s another post...)
RTVxt 900 fabric seat cover recommendations?
Polyexcel Twine
lundi 11 juin 2018
Polyexcel Twine
BHT-2 Sensor Location
I have an Agratronix BHT-2 moisture tester on my New Holland BC5070 Hayliner, and I'm second guessing the location that I mounted the sensors in the bale chamber. The hyaliner has the hydraulic side tension rails, and unless I mount them on those, my options are pretty limited. I'm questioning the current location I have them (right behind the tension rails), because when comparing to my handheld tester, sometimes the BHT-2 reads low (even after being calibrated).
So, should I mount them on the rail? If I do, will it wear them out really fast or read wrong do to excessive pressure? Should I mount them in front of the rails? What are your thoughts? Do any of you have one of these mounted on a 5070 hayliner?
BHT-2 Sensor Location
I guess if you live long enough, you'll see everything.
This weekend, I have thousands upon thousands of little moths, about 1/2" nose to tail, only in the front yard, northeast side of the house, under the linden trees. Yesterday morning, I sprayed a Bayer insecticide where they were--didn't seem to do much in the way of slowing them down. So, last night, I sprayed some Perm-up left over from my alfalfa. Did seem to put the hurt to them.
This morning, I have hundreds of larger moths on the front porch. In one window, between the glass and the screen, I have at least 30 of the larger moths.
Early this spring, I spread some mothballs in the front yard to drive moles away. Now, it's almost like the mothballs attracted them.
I have never seen moths, of any kind, this bad. Any body have any ideas what is going on?
Hydroformatic Pump
dimanche 10 juin 2018
Looking for a pump for a Newholland 320 baler, this pump is used on many Newholland machines. They are obsolete. Last resort is going to convert to spring tension.
Hydroformatic Pump
NH 570 plunger rail getting hot
Hi guys,
1990 model New Holland 570 that I've had for 14 trouble-free years. 3-5000 bales a year and have done nothing but grease it and sharpen the knives. Have done about 1000 bales so far this year and noticed a burning smell the other day. Found some smouldering hay chaff on the top plunger rail and it was too hot to touch. I soaked it with the hose, smeared some grease on the bottom of the rail, and made sure the extinguisher was charged to get done with baling that day. A couple questions: Should the rails run that hot? Is there something obvious that I should do here. I've read the manual but cant tell for sure if there are shims above the rail. Was hoping not to have to remove the plunger... Thanks, Bob
You can see where the blackened area is.
NH 570 plunger rail getting hot
1409 Discbine Cutter Bar Flotation
1409 Discbine Cutter Bar Flotation
John Deere 469 E 04 01 code net not wrapping
John Deere 469 E 04 01 code net not wrapping
Smoothing out patures
Cheapest is the chain harrows 12' pull type for 1200$ can be pulled 3 differnt ways. Probably best behind a disc.
Then i see these batwing spike harrows, same concept but seems like it would be more aggressive.
Then I have seen this.
Looking for 1 pass deal and I know it may not do a perfect job on one pass but if i used it once a year over a few years it would get better?
Alot of people in my area disc and drag a harrow each year in late winter to early spring. Great idea but if you dont get a rain can be bad. I assume pulling a chain harrow on most agressive setting doesnt work that well or everyone around me would be doing it as its only 1200$.
What is a good cheaper disc in the 12-14 foot width that cuts well into pastures and still levels good. Seen a krause 14' offset disc that wasnt too agressive.
Or how does a deere bw or bwa disc do and does it leave it pretty smooth?
I hear people talk about 18 wheeler tires and making a drag out of them but i am pretty sure that isnt going to do much. Seems once a hog roots up coastal then the coastal grows in that spot a while it kinda locks it in.
Smoothing out patures
6-star Tedder
6-star Tedder
Disc Mower.
samedi 9 juin 2018
Considering a new 3 point disc mower this coming week. I have investigated Kuhn / Kuhn Deere, Krone and a couple of others that I dismissed because I didn't think they fit my needs for one reason or another or that I felt like there was no real service for the dismissed models in my immediate area.
I cannot use a cart for the mower due to the restraints of very tight turns and back ups on these upland hills....some very tight areas of operation in some instances.
I am looking at a 9 foot mower. Right now I would say that Kuhn has a slight lead but Krone is right there....I actually like the Krone roll pin safety on the discs very much.
I don't use a disc mower a lot, but it is a necessity for these hills. It is the only way I can safely mow them and hay them.
I just don't feel comfortable buying a used mower....and I justify new by hopefully keeping them for a very long time. This will be my last Dmower if I don't have misfortune.
Regards, Mike
Disc Mower.
Beat the rain?
Still looking at the forecast for another 3-day window of opportunity. Maybe by the end of next week I could finish bringing in first cutting and bring in 15 acres of new field before the oats start heading out. Because after that I’m taking a vacation.
What’s it like in your neck of the woods?
Beat the rain?
Wheel line operation
I'm a rookie at irrigation (and even farming). I volunteer at a local non-profit. Over the Spring, I've refurbished their six wheel lines and am now trying to "run them".
Our pump is 1300gpm (3 phase 75hp), and our six wheel lines are 30 sprinklers each. The issue is that during startup, the pressure is too low to close all the mushroom drains. Once the drains are closed, we should be able to run all six lines plus some handlines, but we never get there. At least not in the hour of runtime we get due to the diversion is still a work in progress.
We thought about turning on the lines sequentially (seems like if 2-3 lines are fully charged, opening new lines will re-open the drains on the working ones.
The pump will generate 160psi when restricted, so if we run too few lines, I'll blow up my supply hoses. I already destroyed all the 70psi hose we had, replacing it with 150psi hose.
Is there a simple technique in starting up these dinosaurs? Maybe a longer lasting water supply will eventually solve the problem?
Wheel line operation
Stemy hay
vendredi 8 juin 2018
Stemy hay
Supplemental insurance
Supplemental insurance
Hydraulic check
Hydraulic check
Case IH 3650 Baler Troubles
jeudi 7 juin 2018
Hey guys, just joined on here and looking for some advice. Up here in central Iowa and trying to figure out what is not right with a Case IH 3650 round baler. It is a 1988. My dad bought this baler in 94 and has run a lot of bales through it. We went out and got a New Holland 688 a few years ago when we had the rear roller bearing go out. The baler has been fixed for some time but we haven't used it anymore, it was sitting in the shed. A buddy wanted to do some hobby baling, so I figured it would be a perfect fit for him. Well he got two bales made and all of the sudden the rear roller started binding and it popped the drive chain off. Everything spun freely by hand when we got it back together and like I said, he made two bales. The hex shaft on the right side is all chewed up, but I can't find where it chewed up against, the bearing on that side is brand new, the cast housing was used but shows no wear marks to match the hex shaft... it just doesnt make sense.
Nobody around here knows anything about balers. Just getting parts can sometimes be a nightmare. Anyone out there have a parts diagram for this baler or maybe some dimensions for what that rear roller should be?? I can get some pictures up here soon, just searching for anyone that has some insight.
Thanks in advance!
Case IH 3650 Baler Troubles
Bale Command Plus Mount...#@*&@(%
mercredi 6 juin 2018
Ok...what do you guys mount your bale command plus monitors with? I have googled and googled, check NH parts website, etc and can't find what to mount this stupid thing with. The monitor has the spade back on it so I stopped at TSC the other day and picked up a cheap SMV sign bracket but the spade on the monitor only goes down into it so far and is shaky to say the least. I am mounting it on my horizontal cab post on my John Deere 5100M which is directly to the right of the operator station in the cab. I am enclosing a pic of my post and mounting location. Pics or part numbers would be a huge help here...thanks a bunch!
Bale Command Plus Mount...#@*&@(%
Sperry New Holland 846 gate issues - please help
I have a Sperry New Holland 846 chain baler. I am issues with the gate closing completely. I adjusted the cable tension on both sides. Needless to say this worked for one bale. While attempt to correct this issue one of the cables snapped. I will be replacing the cable. So I am needing to bits of information: 1. How much tension should be on the cables in order to properly operate the gate release? 2. Since the adjustments did not work correctly, would there be something else I should be looking at to adjust? An help with this would be great. Thank you in advance.
Sperry New Holland 846 gate issues - please help
Hesston 1120 MoCo Repair Question
My 1120 needs new bearings in the swaybar. Does anyone know if the swaybar has to be completely removed from the machine or do they come out from the front. Also, is anyone aware of a service manual for this machine? Thanks
Hesston 1120 MoCo Repair Question
Massey 2846a net wrap troubles
Massey 2846a net wrap troubles
Need a supplier
Went to rake yesterday afternoon and made 2 laps and a bearing broke on one of the bars..
Anyone have a good place to purchase bar bearings & the covers that hold them ..
Rake is a old roll a bar MF25
I have 2 replacements I;m going to be able to fix the bar with now but need to find some extras before this happens again..
I found bearings on ebay but they are high @ 22.00 each but can;t find the cover plate that they sit in.
Thanks, Chris
Need a supplier
What size rake do I need for a 13' NH 1431?
mardi 5 juin 2018
Hello I am looking for a rake to use behind my NH 1431. It is a 13' cut and the guy I bought it from said he used a 10 wheel rake, (5x5) Is this the right size? I am looking at a SITREX QR10 with a maximum working width of 21'. Thanks
What size rake do I need for a 13' NH 1431?
Hesston 1120 Mower Conditioner
My Neighbor, isn't an Equipment operator, and always had hired all his haying done, till last year, when him, and I, cut his hay, together, he cut 40 acres, with it, and I cut 45, acres, with my Swather, with the Hay crimper Attachment.
In my area, it's a very Sandy Loam ground, and Last year, was a very, very wet, haying season. If you blinked the wrong way, while cutting with the Swather, you were Stuck, and what a Nightmare, that turned out to be.
I had planned on putting Duals, on the Swather, to keep it up, but a couple weeks ago, while I was harrowing, with my 2-105 White, equipped with Duals, in the same areas, of the fields, I had gotten stuck in, with the Swather, I could feel that tractor sink, and slip a little, changed my mind, on putting Duals, on my Swather. And to top it off, there was No water, in those areas, what so ever.
I had told him of my plans, of trying to trade my Swather in, for a Haybine, and he offered me, to purchase his Haybine. Before I buy this machine, I'd like to get some Input, on it, to fond out some Pro's aand Con's. Thanks in Advance.Bruce.
Hesston 1120 Mower Conditioner
Is this rake really a Deere 851?
lundi 4 juin 2018
That's what the auction company is calling it. Notice it has front tires and there's red paint under the green.
Is this rake really a Deere 851?
Hesston baler cross reference
I recently picked up a Hesston 855 round baler at an auction. It did not come with an owner's manual. I've not been able to find a used one online including on Ebay. Correct me if I'm wrong but what I've gathered is they only sold these under the Hesston name from around 1999 - 2002. They were sold with New Idea and Case IH badges for many years. I've found a lot of those used manuals. My question is can I buy and use one of those manuals? If so since they sold for many more years which one would cover my baler? Also any info or experiences you'd like to share about this series baler would be appreciated. I've never round baled before.
Hesston baler cross reference
2,4-D choline
Anyone using Freelexx 2,4-D choline? Have you seen any better success over traditional 2, 4-d formulations? Do you think rotating from traditional 2, 4-D and this formulation might aide in weeds not becoming resistant? I am only talking about spraying grass pastures. I built the boom arms for this sprayer in welding class, the nozzles are spaced at 20" and are 20" above the canopy. Total cost around 300 bucks with the nozzles and tips costing the most.
2,4-D choline
What's For Lunch?
dimanche 3 juin 2018
I like a ham "sandrich" (grandpas dialect) with a slice of tomato and lettuce. Splash of mayo. "Warsh" it down with some iced tea.
What say you?
What's For Lunch?
Krone EasyCut 320 questions
Hi, I bought a used Krone EC 320 and have a few questions that hopefully the experts here can answer.
1. To check the oil level in the cutter bar, the manual says to move the bar to the transport position and then remove the oil level inspection bolt. But the bar has two inspection bolts. Neither had oil coming out when I checked, so I filled it to the lower one for now. Which inspection bolt is the correct one to use?
2. Does the mower drive gearbox have a drain plug? The manual seems to indicate so, but I can only find a fill bolt hole, and an oil level inspection bolt hole.
3. What is the bracket in this picture for?
Krone EasyCut 320 questions
samedi 2 juin 2018
Lowering cutting height in OG due to lodging
I am a complete convert to higher cutting heights in orchard grass. I use high stubble shoes and have the tilt cylinder locked up. However, this year presents a challenge due to the severe lodging that we have. I already know based on my test cut for tune up purposes that I am going to have to reseed my new field due to lodging mortality. Large swatches of absolutely nothing growing. Painful because there was a great stand everywhere at the beginning of April. I am not going to go back to regular shoes but I am thinking of tilting the cylinder down, guessing that makes 2-3" cutting stubble and closer in spots to try to cut as much of the lodged stuff as I can. Otherwise, I just pull it up each time I ted or rake. What would you do in my situation, lower cutting height or not?
Lowering cutting height in OG due to lodging
Max Trailer size for x1100c
I’m considering building a trailer for a 300 gallon tank (maybe bigger), Honda pump and a 30’ boom. Possibly making it dual purpose and use it for Hydroseeder when I have a break. Right now I’m about 140 acres down and while I won’t get this ready this year, it’ll be a great winter project.
Question is, how would the buggy tolerate a 300 gallon tank and trailer. Best guess would be around 4000 lbs. doesn’t sound like much to me but far over the “advertised” rating.
Max Trailer size for x1100c
MDP Haying 2018
vendredi 1 juin 2018
I thought I would stop in and give a quick update. We are planning on cutting end of next week if the weather presents an opportunity. I am located in West Michigan and we have been getting regular spring showers. Unfortunately the property I hay is low with clay based soils which means it takes longer for the ground to dry after rains. The fields are definitely ready to be cut as the orchard grass is forming seed heads already. I am optimistic that we will get it cut next week. Other than that the equipment is looking good so far! And I am looking to build on my experience and have a better year than last!
I will take pictures and post links to videos I upload to youtube. I do not have a shadow of a doubt that I will have more questions and issues that come up! I am extremely grateful to everyone on HT that has contributed to my progress. I literally knew nothing when I started! I am happy to say that I at least have a shaky foundation to build on now thanks to you all! I look forward to learning more from you all this year.
MDP Haying 2018
Haying 2018
I thought I would stop in and give a quick update. We are planning on cutting end of next week if the weather presents an opportunity. I am located in West Michigan and we have been getting regular spring showers. Unfortunately the property I hay is low with clay based soils which means it takes longer for the ground to dry after rains. The fields are definitely ready to be cut as the orchard grass is forming seed heads already. I am optimistic that we will get it cut next week. Other than that the equipment is looking good so far! And I am looking to build on my experience and have a better year than last!
I will take pictures and post links to videos I upload to youtube. I do not have a shadow of a doubt that I will have more questions and issues that come up! I am extremely grateful to everyone on HT that has contributed to my progress. I literally knew nothing when I started! I am happy to say that I at least have a shaky foundation to build on now thanks to you all! I look forward to learning more from you all this year.
Haying 2018
Experience with Haymaster 8 Bale Accumulator??
Sales Brochure Haymaster Bale Accumulator SN 501 (1).pdf 212.42KB 3 downloadsHi! I bought a used Haymaster 8 bale accumulator. Looks alot like the one pictured in the attached brochure. I'm looking to communicate with someone who has working knowledge / experience with this type machine. The problem I'm having is that the bales are getting jammed up in the chute.... and I think that I may have a spring attached incorrectly - or maybe out of adjustment. I'm also thinking that the ground speed in which it is being pulled as well as bale spacing are critical factors. But, i'm just guessing. If you have experience with this equipment and don't mind communicating with me about it - I would appreciate it. My plan is to take a video in the next day or two in order to capture the problem. Thanks in advance,
Big Clifty, KY
P.S. I've already communicated directly with Haymaster, Inc..... and was advised that various models and types have been built over the last 31 years and there are no parts diagrams, operator manuals, etc. The folks down there seem helpful - ready to stand by and assist.... and I plan on sending them a copy of the video also. I just thought an experienced operator out in the field might be able to help me.
Experience with Haymaster 8 Bale Accumulator??
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To weave or not to weave.
To weave or not to weave.