Crimper verses Tedder

mercredi 26 juin 2019

Last September, I bought a Vermeer V Rake. I have a Tedder Rake, and I was wondering, what would go better with ithe Rake, the Tedder, or Crimper. I already have a Tedder Rake, and I know where there is a Crimper, for sale.
My plan is to Rake 3 - 9 foot rows, into 2 rows, of 1 1/2 rows, pretty close together, and either run them through the Tedder, and re rake everything together, or go and buy the Crimper, and run the 2 rows through it, with the Deflectors set, to put it into a single row, with it.
What’s everyone’s Opinion, on this Matter. Thanks in advance. Bruce.

Crimper verses Tedder

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