NH 688 Net Knife home position?

jeudi 20 juin 2019

Thanks for you help, I have all actuators working.

After reading posts I now know that the Net Knife should be up when bailing. It is not, I did find that the Trip Lever Pivots was stiff, I removed the Trip lever and pivot in order to get it freed up reinstalled the lever below the latch,  now it catches the hook.


Just prior to the net actuator returning to the full retracted position the trip mechanism trips and drops the knife, I have adjusted the Trip Lever into the full up position and down position in the slot, there is a difference in time when the knife drops.


The trip lever will stay in the hook until the actuator is almost all the way retracted. If I leave the actuator partially extend (not fully retracted) the bail command plus gives me a flashing actuator arrow, retracting the actuator all the way to make bale command happy releases the knife.


I assume that all the way retracted equals the home position. I am thinking that with the actuator fully retracted I should have the knife in the up position.


I am extending and retracting the actuator manually, is there positioning that auto wrap does that I am not seeing in manual.


I have not used auto wrap on this machine since I first got it and at that time the net did not cut. with the pivot freed up I may give it another attempt.


If the knife is releasing with the actuator fully retracted, is there a bale command plus calibration or adjustment that needs to be done?


Thanks in advance.

NH 688 Net Knife home position?

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