Factors Considered when to cut Second Cutting OG

lundi 24 juin 2019

Just curious on what are the factors that drive your decision on when to do second cutting of orchard grass.  Typically, where I live, it's when you can get to it as you are still cutting first cutting some where when the initially cut field is ready for second.  I cut my acreage back and was able to take advantage of early windows to get mine finished.  First field was cut on May 23 and topdressed on June 6.  Usually onset of orchard grass decline (brown tips of leaves) drives us to start second cutting regardless of height.  It then goes in a funk for the three hottest weeks, then top dress for third cutting and hope for some early august rain.  We have not had the stupid hot temps this year yet and have had adequate rainfall over the last month so have not had orchard grass decline show up yet.  However, the 10 day is full of heat and not any rain so I am guessing we will be cutting in the near future. 


In addition to decline and available time the other factors are the emergence of foxtail or cutting before the horsenettle goes to seed.  Luckily, neither of those are factors for me this year.


Just wondering what others use as criteria.  

Factors Considered when to cut Second Cutting OG

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