High CP low RFV 28 day alfalfa

lundi 24 juin 2019

Hi all,


Just wondering if anyone has an explanation for why we would be getting tests as follows on pure crop alfalfa:


27 days since last cut: 22.5% CP, 132 RFV
29 days: 22% CP, 154 RFV
29 days: 19% CP, 125 RFV


Weather: way above average rainfall in April/May (~300mm, avg. 100mm) 

High humidity, hot days from tops of 29C (84F) to 34C (93F), lows of 16C (60F) to 22C (71F) 


Soil tests are sound, enough P and K in all fields. 

These tests are highly unusual - last year the crop tested within standard quality grades (22% CP = 185 RFV, 20% CP = 170 RFV etc.)

Any help much appreciated

High CP low RFV 28 day alfalfa

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