NH275 pickup clutch slipping

vendredi 14 juin 2019

Hey guys. Finished my baling over here in oz for the season, I assume most of you will be beginning now.
Towards the end of my baling I found the pickup clutch to be slipping more and more. Running in lowest gear, clutch springs are tightened up as far as they will go. (1 3/8” spring length is what the manual says). Not huge windrows being fed in. The clutch plate looks clean so I am wondering if a bearing might be shot in the feeder shaft causing excessive drag? My clutch pack is at the top mid of the machine not at the front coming out of the gearbox like the manual shows. Also the manual stated I need 15-20lb of tension on the pickup spring. I have also adjusted this up as far as it will go and I still have to put 40lb on the scales to get it to lift. Not sure where to start?

NH275 pickup clutch slipping

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