Planting Teff info Cool Season Grass

jeudi 13 juin 2019

I have two small fields planted with orchard grass last fall, and they are still struggling with all the water to grow (the fields are pretty thin and patchy). The weeds are trying to fill in, and a first cutting, if we cut it, would be in the fall.


I was wondering if I could clip it down right now, and overseed with teff, and cut the teff as normal to help keep weeds at bay, plus get more hay this summer. Would the teff also push out (kill) my orchard grass, or would it act like a late covercrop and help the orchard grass? i'm thinking it will help soak up the water and keep th field drier as an added bonus.


Anyone try this before? I have grown teff a few years ago on one of these fields and it did well, but never tried intermixing it . . .

Planting Teff info Cool Season Grass

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