Unintended consequences

mercredi 12 juin 2019

About ten days ago, I was baling and ran a 3-4" tree branch into my NH BR780A and tore up the wind guard.  Got the parts in and repaired it--no problems.


Now for the interesting part. 


For the last couple of years, I had a pretty loud rattle when I was first starting a bale.  Once the bale was started, the rattle went away.  Things rattling or knocking worry me.  I figure something is about to go kablooey.


Looked and listened but just couldn't find the source.  Tried starting bales fast, slow, in between--nothing made a difference.  Talked with a couple of service guys and got suggestions such as it was a bearing going bad, a roller had loosened up or broke, chain tensioning was bad, etc.


Couldn't find anything so I figured I'd just keep going until whatever it was broke.  Then I'd know for sure.


Yesterday, I was baling for my neighbor.  First time since I repaired the wind guard so I was listening for anything banging or hitting in case something was mis-aligned or I had missed some other damage.


First bale started--no noises.  Good.  Second bale--no noises!  Even better.  Third bale still no noises.  Then the light bulb went off--no rattle! 


Finished baling and not one rattle.  Whatever was rattling must have been in the wind guard.


Don't get me wrong--I'm not recommending tearing up equipment to find and fix a different problem, but sometimes we just aren't looking in the right spot to find the source of a problem.  





Unintended consequences

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