I'm kind of in a no man's land for internet service on the farm.
No cable, DSL, etc. (at one time was using dial up) type options. Been trying to work from home last couple of months or so and needed a faster service than a mobile phone hot spot.
I use VOIP phone service at my office and the computer uses VPN. So a couple of months ago, I bit the bullet and had satellite internet installed. Worked 'OK' for somethings, but not phone service or VPN, the lag time (2500-3000 ms,2.5 -3 seconds), is not conducive for phone conversations.
I have one of my office phones at home, client's don't know (or care usually) where I'm at, as long as I'm available.
My nephew (who was in same situation living 1/2 mile away as crow files), needing faster internet at home found this:
I've been on it for a month or so, internet phones work fine, VPN hasn't been a problem, needless to say I'm happy with service.
I'm actually on the 'Urban' plan. I was paying $79.99 a month for satellite, at best 25 Mbps and would slow down with data cap. This service is $80 a month, no data cap and I'm seeing speeds of over 50 Mbhs at times. Most of the time i'm in the 30-40 Mbps. 
Depending upon your location you could be on Verizon, ATT or T-Mobile (they just put in different sim card). I'm on T-Mobile presently. Once someone comes up with a 600 Mhz booster, I could see speeds of 70+ Mbps. The 600 Mhz is a newly used frequency I believe, so most boosters only go as low as 700 Mhz.
Thought I toss this out for those who may have been in the same boat as me. My nephew says he can use NetFlex, and some other streaming service. I don't used those things, so I don't have an opinion.
I've added an outside antenna that allows me to have Wi Fi, almost all over the farm (over 1/2 mile, if you have a clear line of site to the top of my hay shed
). I could add another antenna on top of the old silo, to hit a few block areas (maybe someday).
Oh ya, along with no data cap, no slow down, there is NO contract (unlike satellite that I'm paying to get out of
). Easy to hook up, travels well (could even use with an RV), plug in and ready to go in less than a minute. Downside, modem you have to buy, up front, not much to it for the price. But I suppose someone has to make a buck or two. 
Internet option for rural folks