Timothy... life cycle and reasonable expectations in KY

mercredi 12 juin 2019

I've had about as many 'thoughts' as I have spoken to people, about the subject of Timothy.


They horse guys love it. They want it. And will pay top $$ for it.


Growers don't like it. Are typically disgusted with it. And I rarely find it being grown outside of some sort of mix.


I planted 10ac of Summit fall before last. Little showed up. I doubled up on it last fall and was able to get a 50% density (I'm guessing) stand this year. Cut it and sent it on its way. There were definitely some good spots, but overall, it was sparse. The plants which grew, looked pretty good. But they were spaced much to far apart to be useful. I saw that I have a broadleaf problem in this field, Dandelions, and I will be spraying Brash (dicamba/2-4D amine) this weekend. I'll also be spraying about 50ac of mix OG/KBG as well.


The Timothy is what I am asking about. Right now, 10days after 1st cutting, it looks like its done for the year. In KY, I thought I would get a 2nd cutting, and I think my concern might be unfounded at this point. But everything else is greening back up. My alfalfa/OG is popping. My OG/KBG is coming back nicely. My Timothy looks like the residual of baled perennial Rye. Dry stubble and ground hugging broadleafs. 


I was told by my 'hay guy' last year, that I had to reseed Timothy every fall if I wanted it to grow back the following year. But, it is a perennial, so this shouldn't be the case. I've been told that it should come back fine on its own. I've been told to just plant alfalfa through it and get a mixed stand... etc etc etc.


AT this point, I am wondering whether I should go ahead and plant alfalfa and OG into it this fall and let my dream of a Pure Timothy stand fall away. I have horses, and wanted it simply to subsidize them. I don't do this for cash, although I would like to make some money off the acreage I have in hay. Last year (1st after planting) I made about $1600 of 40ac of all hay. That might pay for all the diesel I've put into prepping, planting, and spraying that field. Doesn't touch the seed cost thus far, however. 


Any recommendations on what to do with this Timothy? I'd like to keep it 'pure'. But if I can't get about double what I had this first cutting, It really is a waste of 10ac.

Timothy... life cycle and reasonable expectations in KY

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